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iOS Signatures How to Properly Sign Your Apple Devices

admin6个月前 (09-02)IOS签名55

iOS Signatures: How to Properly Sign Your Apple Devices

Apple devices require a digital signature in order to install apps and software苹果手机企业级app无法验证. This signature ensures the app or software is legitimate and safe to use. In this article, we will explain how to properly sign your Apple devices, including iOS signatures and enterprise signatures.

iOS Signatures

iOS signatures are used for apps that are downloaded from the App Store苹果证书怎么获取验证码的软件. These signatures ensure that the apps have not been tampered with and come from a trusted developer. When you download an app from the App Store, the app is already signed – you don't need to do anything extra.

However, if you want to install an app that is not available on the App Store, you need to sign it yourself. To do this, you need an Apple Developer account and access to Xcode. Xcode is an integrated development environment (IDE) that allows you to create apps for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

To create an iOS signature for your app, follow these steps:

Open Xcode.

Go to Xcode > Preferences.

Click Accounts and sign in with your Apple Developer account.

Connect your iOS device to your computer.

Click Window > Devices and Simulators.

Select your device.

Click the plus (+) button and select your app.

Click the Install button.

Enter your app's bundle ID and select the certificate you want to use to sign the app.

Click Install.

Your app is now signed and installed on your device.

Enterprise Signatures

Enterprise signatures are used for apps that are created for internal use within a company. These apps are not distributed through the App Store, but are distributed through an enterprise app store or through a Mobile Device Management (MDM) server.苹果代理模式如何关闭

To create an enterprise signature for your app, follow these steps:

Log in to your Apple Developer account.

Click Certificates, IDs & Profiles.

Click Identifiers and create a new app ID.

Select the app ID and click Create Certificate.

Follow the steps to create a new certificate and download it to your computer.

Open Xcode.

Go to Xcode > Preferences.

Click Accounts and sign in with your Apple Developer account.

Create a new Xcode project for your app.

Select the app target and go to the General tab.ios企业证书掉了

Under Signing, select the enterprise certificate you created earlier.ios15 企业签名

Build and archive your app.

Export your app as an enterprise distribution package.

The package can now be distributed through your enterprise app store or MDM server.


iOS signatures and enterprise signatures are both important for ensuring that apps and software are legitimate and safe to use on Apple devices. By following the steps outlined above, you can properly sign your apps and distribute them to your intended audience with confidence.




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