Apple has made the process of installing apps on iOS devices more secure by implementing strict guidelines for app distribution苹果公司中国代理. One of the key measures is iOS signing, which verifies that an app comes from a trusted source. If your app is not signed by a trusted developer, you may face a "This app can't be opened" error.
iOS signing ensures that only verified developers can distribute apps on the App Store. This provides better protection for users against malicious apps that may harm their devices or steal personal information.
Even if you're not distributing your app through the App Store, you still need to sign it properly to run it on iOS devices. This is because of the security measures Apple has put in place, which make it impossible to install unsigned apps on iOS devices.
There are several ways to get your app running on iOS devices:
If you're a registered Apple Developer, you can sign your app using a provisioning profile created in your Apple Developer account. This requires a yearly fee and the approval of Apple to distribute apps on the App Store.
If you're not distributing your app through the App Store, you can use ad hoc distribution to sign and distribute your app to up to 100 pre-registered devices. This requires creating a provisioning profile for your app and adding the UDID (Unique Device ID) of each device to the profile苹果个人签和企业签. You can then install the app on these devices using an .ipa file and a program like iTunes or Apple Configurator.
If you're distributing your app within your organization, you can use enterprise distribution to sign and distribute your app to unlimited devicesios免费共享企业证书. This requires creating a provisioning profile for your app and obtaining an enterprise developer account. You can then package your app as an .ipa file and distribute it via email or a mobile device management (MDM) system.
iOS signing is an essential requirement for running apps on iOS devices. It ensures that the apps come from trusted developers and protects users' personal information. By following the appropriate measures for iOS signing, you can distribute your apps in a secure and efficient manner on iOS devices.
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